Doctors illustration

About us

The Greater Manchester Infant Male Circumcision Quality Group provides support to families and providers involved with non-medical circumcision, which is not funded by the NHS.


Non-therapeutic circumcision for male infants is often performed for cultural or religious reasons, within faiths such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Most boys recover well – but as with all operations, there is a risk of harm. We aim to reduce this risk as much as possible.

As these procedures are often undertaken by private providers in the community, it is important to ensure that they are carried out in clean and sterile conditions, by trained professionals who can treat any complications. There also should be adequate pain relief and appropriate aftercare for the children.

We work with families, community faith groups, NHS GPs and relevant hospital departments (Paediatrics, Accident & Emergency) to monitor complications; maintain quality and safety standards; and promote best practice.


Parents should be aware of the increased risks presented by use of unqualified and unregulated providers – and how to find qualified clinicians who practice safely. It is therefore vital that useful information is available in a range of languages.

Meanwhile, providers of infant male circumcision should be able to obtain recognition for their quality-assured credentials, as well as accessing ongoing training and guidelines.

See our resources for parents

See our resources for providers

Female genital cutting has no medical benefits and is illegal under the Female Genital Mutilation Act (2003).