The Greater Manchester Social Care Academy, working in partnership with The Greater Manchester Training Hub and NHS England, are now offering a number of fully funded blended learning packages to the registered social care workforce e.g. registered nurses, nurse associates and AHP’s.
It is envisaged this funding will support the rapid upskilling of the clinically registered workforce in adult social care to help hospital discharge and prevent unnecessary admissions whilst improving career pathways and workforce retention across social care.
We are offering a range of relevant topics via a multi-faceted training package enabling blended learning to suit all participants. Where applicable, the underpinning knowledge and theory from the modules will be supported by opportunities to contextualise and consolidate the information gained from the e-learning packages.
The programme is further enhanced by tailored sessions, facilitated virtually or at a venue within your locality. Once the appropriate e-learning has been completed, there will also be access to Clinical Skills training.
This is your opportunity to register interest for your team.
Course themes will include:
• Recognition and Management of Deteriorating Person.
• Swallowing disorder, nutrition and hydration.
• Supporting people to stay well and independent.
• Acute wound management.
• Diabetes management.
• Oral hygiene.
• Frailty and dementia.
• Urinary catheterisation.
• Enteral feeding.
For more information, please contact: or
or Social Care Academy – Greater Manchester Training Hub (
Places are limited, so please find out more and register as soon as possible on the link below: