Complex Care and Mental Health Rehabilitation (Adults)

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Enabling people with mental health-related complex needs to live successfully in the community requires a whole system approach to recovery.  Community rehabilitation is a dedicated focus area of Community Mental Health Transformation being implemented by systems in 22/23 and 23/24.

The development of community rehabilitation will not only offer new interventions from a multi-disciplinary team to support successful community living, but where this offer is accessible and timely, it may prevent people getting into a crisis requiring inpatient admission, losing their home, having lengthy admissions in mental health acute care or having to unnecessarily go into inpatient rehabilitation, potentially out of area due to the lack of community resource.

The Greater Manchester Complex Care and Mental Health Rehabilitation work aims to benefit the whole system by improving flow and the health, well-being, social functioning and quality of life of people requiring complex care and their carers/supporters.

Partnership working with all stakeholders is key to this work, including but not limited to people who access services and their supporters/carers, clinicians, commissioners, local authority colleagues, housing sector, third and voluntary sector organisations to ensure this work is integrated, co-produced and aligned to other work streams.

The overarching objectives of the programme are:

  • No one requiring complex care intervention to lose one more day in the community than is essential for their care and treatment.
  • Everyone needing an inpatient bed should be in the best bed for their needs and everyday should be effective in moving towards discharge.
  • If out of area inpatient treatment is required, this should be the best bed for needs, least restrictive, closest to home. Active oversight and co-ordination should ensure discharge at the earliest opportunity

Community rehabilitation plans have been developed across Greater Manchester and are being implemented focused on the development of a multi-disciplinary Team to support community living.