High risk groups

What we’re doing

We’re working:

  • With 42nd Street and three colleges (Wigan & Leigh, St John Rigby and Bridge College) to develop online resources available on a dedicated further education webpage to support learners in the LGBTQ community, especially those with special educational needs (autism)
  • In partnership with Greater Manchester’s violence reduction unit to develop a multi-agency communication toolkit and protocol for colleges to understand the processes involved when a young person is involved and/or at risk of crime, in order to support them and limit the impact on their learning
  • Working with the colleges to identify activities to support learners from communities experiencing inequalities

Linked to our work around reducing knife crime Bolton College is developing an on-line tutorial package, made up of short films, resources packs around weapon crime prevention. This will be supplemented with a blended approach of further learning such as role-play and discussion debate sessions in the classroom (video filming will commence once college buildings are fully open)

Wigan and Leigh College are offering to support to students leaving care to support them in their transition to university centre

Bridge College is supporting young people with autism to develop effective social skills via the use of QTrobots to improve their communication skills

The further education webpage on the 42nd Street Q42 website will be launched at our planned event in September 2021

The multi-agency communication protocol will also be launched in September 2021 at the event

Our approach

By identifying the high risk groups we’ve been able to target specific activities: High needs; At risk of crime; Autism/ADHD; LGBTQ+; Communities experiencing inequalities; Leaving Care