Salford mental health support team

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Salford’s multi-agency  Thrive in education  team is now the hub for their Thrive in education offer and is engaging and supporting all schools in Salford to become emotionally friendly settings for their children and young people and for school staff and parents and carers alike. Their Thrive in education team includes qualified and experienced workers from: MFT Salford CAMHS, 42nd Street, Place2B, Salford City Council’s educational psychology team and early help schools co-ordinators, their youth service, Salford community leisure and Salford sports partnership, their integrated community response service, and their 0-19 health service.

In our first year (Sept 2020-Aug 21) we will be providing dedicated Thrive in education mental health workers in 39 schools across the Salford and supporting a further 16 schools with a team around the school. They have held several open engagement events and individual team around the school meetings with each of the 39 participating Thrive in education schools, hosted by their four schools co-ordinators. They’re currently delivering wellbeing for return to education webinars, open to every school in Salford, to help staff with  understanding and supporting children’s emotional health and wellbeing whilst living with COVID-19.

Drop in consultation and advice sessions will also be provided up to the end of March 2021 to support the schools’ workforce. The team are excited and energised to be working together collaboratively and are so motivated about this new way of working with Salford Schools.

They’ve now fully recruited to Salford’s Thrive in education dedicated team of 18, with new members and education health practitioner trainees starting over the coming weeks. New developments as part of their Thrive in education offer that they’ll be co-designing with children and young people in Salford  this year include:  a new Thrive peer support programme in schools, mental health first aid training for secondary school pupils and a ‘physical activity on prescription’ offer to provide an alternative to existing evidence based interventions.