Children’s mental health week – Find Your Brave

Place2Be are working with us on the Greater Manchester mentally healthy schools and colleges programme. They launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health.

February 3rd 2020

This year’s theme is ‘Find your Brave’ – highlighting that bravery isn’t about coping alone or holding things in, it can be about sharing worries and asking for help, trying something new or pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.

Place2Be, alongside the Youth Sport Trust, Alliance for Learning Teaching School and 42nd Street were commissioned to deliver our Greater Manchester mentally healthy schools and colleges programme. Together we’re exploring how evidence-based approaches can create a whole school approach to improving young people’s mental health through:

  • Developing their physical and emotional literacy
  • Providing the right training, support and resources for an adult and young person workforce

Find Your Brave #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek