Dad Matters Conference: Please hold the date

Dad Matters are busy planning an all day conference in the Greater a Manchester area to celebrate their 5th birthday. Come along to hear about the great work that's been done across across their network and to help them to plan for the future of Dad Matters.

Please hold the date:

  • Monday 20th June 2022 (International Father’s Mental Health Day)
  • 9am to 4.30pm
  • Greater Manchester (venue TBC)

Dad Matters would love it if you could be there!

Details will be shared as soon as they are finalised, but Dad Matters will spend the morning sharing some Dad and volunteer stories, details of their work and how it has developed, hearing from their clinical and third sector partners about their experiences of working with Dad Matters.

Dad Matters are really pleased to announce that they’ll have the fabulous Dr. Anna Machin as their keynote speaker. If you have ever heard her speak before you’ll know just how relevant her work is to how, when and why we engage dads.

In the afternoon they’ll be holding some workshop sessions to look at the impact Dad Matters have had in rolling out the service, and to plan for the future of Dad Matters UK as they continue to expand and develop their offer.

During the day, at break and lunch times and before the day begins, there will be some market stall type opportunities for organisations to display their resources and engage with attendees. Dad Matters would like to make sure the organisations they work closely with are represented, and that there is a range of services. if you would like to be considered, please contact who will contact you in the next few weeks with more information.

There’s no need to confirm your attendance just yet, Dad Matters will send out an Eventbrite link once a venue has been confirmed, just make sure you SAVE THE DATE…


Find out more about our perinatal and parent infant mental health programme