Read our new case studies
The mental health in further education programme continues to make a significant impact across the further education sector, extending further into specialist colleges and independent training providers in order to reach more apprentices and their employers.
You can read about this programme here
We’ve got a wide range of case studies where you can find out more about the work that’s going on in colleges across Greater Manchester.
Apprenticeships: Facilitating the creation of a safe space for employers and assessors who have subject specialisms and had identified a need to develop skills and the confidence to support students presenting with poor mental health.
Transition and retention: Test and learn activities developed by Greater Manchester colleges providing innovative ways to engage and support young people with mental health issues during their transition from school – college and college to university or employment.
- Wigan and Leigh College Care leaver support package
- Wigan and Leigh College Support package for learners within the LGBTQ and transgender community within college
- Aquinas College Supporting the transition of students who identified as having anxiety, OCD and or depression
You can find case studies from last year on our resources page
Student voice: Engaging with young people to find out what they want from their college, supporting the development of online access platforms across Greater Manchester.
- 42nd Street online support for further education across Greater Manchester Full Report
- 42nd Street online support for further education across Greater Manchester Summary Report