During the week of June 7th 2020 we celebrated Infant Mental Health Week. The theme was 20:20 Vision - Seeing the world through babies’ eyes.
June 6th 2020
This theme encouraged us to think about the experiences of babies and how these influence their mental health and development.
The Parent-Infant Foundation and the First 1001 Days Movement will be using the week to highlight the needs of babies’ and to encourage professionals, policy and decision makers to think about babies’ experiences.
Dr Pauline Lee and Dr Sarah Jones, our Greater Manchester Parent Infant and Perinatal Mental Health Leads, highlighted the importance of being mindful of babies well-being during lockdown, and provided helpful recommendations in how we can all reduce the impact.
GM PIMH COVID19 Statement June 2020
Children’s Commissioner-lockdown-babies advice
You can find a wide range of perinatal and parent infant mental health resources for both professionals and families on our resources page
We also have a range of COVID-19 resources available