KoothTalks training: Supporting people to manage anxiety with self-care

Free to attend 45 minute virtual sessions

The training will cover the following:

  1. An overview of how Kooth works as a mental health service
  2. How to manage anxiety and self-care ideas
  3. How we support you to refer young people to Kooth
  4. Tips when talking to young people about their feelings
  5. Q&As

Don’t worry if you are unable to attend any of the live dates they’re offering. Simply select the ‘I cannot attend’ option below and they will send you a recording of the session and related resources.

There are two dates available. Please complete the relevant form by clicking on one of the links below.

Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform. The Kooth.com service is accessible for those aged 10 to 25.You can find out more about Kooth here

Graphic advertising Kooth and saying free, safe and anonymous support for your mental wellbeing