We’ve put together a range of resources covering anxiety around exam results day for colleagues to use and share
Kooth results day suggested tweets and assets
- It’s ok to feel anxious about your results. You’re not alone, free and confidential support is always available at Kooth Access the support you need, whenever you need it.
- Feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to about your results? Talk to a qualified mental health professional or other people in the community on Kooth
- For many students, results day can be a stressful period. If you need support or a safe space to talk, Kooth is available! Access anonymous support when you need it.
Download results days assets for Kooth here
You can view the whole range of Kooth assets on a variety of topics here
There’s also a useful Guide to Kooth for parents and carers Guide to Kooth for parents and carers
In addition to our other digital support offers (Kooth, Qwell, Living Life To The Full and SilverCloud for adults 16yrs +) we’ve now got two new programmes available: SilverCloud’s programmes for parents and carers. These are free.
- Supporting an Anxious Child (for parents and carers of children aged 5 to 11)
- Supporting and Anxious Teen (for parents and carers of teenagers aged 12 to 18)
You can access these programme here https://gm.silvercloudhealth.com/signup/
Young Minds: Results day and anxiety assets
Resources for children and young people
- Results day can be really scary. Irum shares the lessons she’s learnt since GCSE results day and explains why there’s no need to be worried. What I’ve learnt since GCSE results day
- Actor and YoungMinds ambassador Ella Purnell talks about her experience of anxiety around exam results and shares her advice for young people. A letter to my younger self: the night before results day
- Exam results day can be a stressful time, particularly if you didn’t do as well as you’d hoped. Here is some advice from our Activists who’ve been there. Dealing with disappointing exam results
- Childline’s Calm Zone has a lot of breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress. https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/
Every Mind Matters
Self-care films
- Self-care and social media
- Dealing with change
- Dealing with unhelpful thoughts
- The Worry Tree
- Sleep
You can view and download the films here
School Zone
- On the School Zone there’s a wide range of resources in relation to sleep, worry etc. Mental wellbeing | Overview | PHE School Zone