With the dark nights drawing in and the Winter frost starting to bite, it can get a bit, well, jading. And that’s without even mentioning ending the year in tiers!
In this instalment of the Mind Yer ‘Ed series, Lesley, Christine and David share how they’ve been feeling – and coping – for the past 10 months, and what they’ve learned to build their resilience and keep spirits up in the future.
During the chat the team mention services that can help you to Mind Yer ‘Ed, including Silver Cloud: find free wellbeing programmes that will suit you and SHOUT! The free confidential text service available anytime day, or night, if you need a chat:
You can listen to the chat here
Talking About My Generation was started as a campaign so people aged 50 and over from across Greater Manchester could change the record on what it means to grow older in the region. They were given the training to become community reporters so they could set the record straight on ageing by reporting on other people from their generation, charting their own stories of life over 50 and showing any challenges associated with ageing and how they are being overcome, to inspire people to live the life they choose, regardless of age.