The Big August Ask

The Big August Ask is Kooth’s summer holiday campaign that is centred around the exciting launch of their new resident agony aunt and Kooth's very own Senior Clinical Psychologist, Dr Kerry Irving.

The campaign will start on August 1st and is for all children and young people

Kooth have received hundreds of important questions from young people about all things mental health and wellbeing and Dr Kerry will be responding to these questions through a mix of videos and written tips that they’ll be posting on our Instagram, TikTok and Twitter as well as releasing a series of brand new blogs and live forums on

Help Kooth spread the word: Bitesize social media guide

Kooth have produced a bitesized social media guide Big August Ask Social Media Guide and you can access all campaign assets here

What’s happening on Kooth in August?

Live forums are peer to peer discussions that are facilitated by an Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner at Kooth. They take place every week on Kooth and area great way for you to find support from people like you.

In planning these summer live forums they asked young people on Kooth what they wanted to see. They also held workshops with young people who told them what topics they think need more attention when it comes to mental health and wellbeing. On the campaign page you can download images for Twitter and Instagram that show what topic is being covered on what day.

August schedule

  •  Friday August 4th Finding support when experiencing racism or discrimination. 7.30pm to 9pm
  • Monday August 7th August Tackling loneliness this summer. 7.30pm to 9pm
  • Wednesday August 16th  Feeling overwhelmed by what we see on social media. 7.30pm to 9pm
  • Friday August 25th  Challenging stereotypes around masculinity and strength. 7.30pm to 9pm
  • Monday August 28th Unmasking neurodiversity and learning difficulties. 7.30pm to 9pm


Graphic showing two people talking with question marks coming out of their mouth