What’s on Kooth in August?

Kooth have a range of activities available during August

Children and young people can join in a range of events including book clubs, discussion board and a summer camp style forum. Just head over to kooth.com to join the Kooth community

Download the flyer to find out what’s on during August

Kooth Whats On in August

Kooth is an on-line counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people. Kooth provides:

  • Live chat function for children and young people to converse with a qualified counsellor;
  • Messaging function for children and young people to contact the service, these are monitored and managed by counsellors, emotional wellbeing practitioners and media workers;
  • Static and live topic-focused forums; forums encourage the development of a peers supported community online;
  • Online magazine containing a wealth of topic specific resources, from mental health specific topics to more general subjects; and
  • Crisis information, and self-help resources

You can find out more about Kooth here