Free yearly physical health check for people with severe mental illness

Take the first step … towards control of your physical health.

Are you living with Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Affective Disorder or Psychosis? Then book your FREE yearly physical health check now!

We all have to look after our health, but people with severe mental illness need to be a little extra careful. Your medication and lifestyle could put you at risk of certain health problems, and the earlier any issues are identified, the easier they are to fix. The good news is, you’re entitled to an annual health check to get advice and support.

Who are physical health checks for?

The annual physical health check is for people with severe mental illness. If you have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Affective Disorder or Psychosis you’re eligible for a free health check.

If your GP is aware that you have severe mental illness this is recorded on a register at your GP surgery.

Why should you get a physical health check?

Annual physical health checks for people with severe mental illness are designed to pick up on signs that someone may be at risk of diabetes, stroke or heart problems. This means action can be taken before these issues become more serious.

What does the health check include?

  • A blood pressure check
  • A blood test for cholesterol
  • A blood test for glucose (sugar)
  • A check of your weight
  • A discussion around your smoking and alcohol habits

You may also be asked about things like any medication that you are taking, your diet, exercise and physical activity, and if you have taken up any offers for national screening programmes (such as cervical screening).

How to get an appointment

If you’re eligible, you should get a letter from your GP surgery inviting you for an annual health check.

You can contact your GP surgery to ask for an appointment if you’ve not received a letter. A family member or friend can contact the surgery for you if you prefer.

If you’re in regular contact with your mental health team, they can do the health check for you. If you have not had your annual health check yet, contact the care co-ordinator in your mental health team and they can help.