Gambling addiction

Gambling harms are the negative effects that happen to someone after gambling. They can affect any and every aspect of life – mental and physical health, money, relationships, education, or work.

You might be a loved one or close to someone harmed by gambling and feeling the effects too. It’s important to know that it’s not their fault or yours. The gambling industry has designed addictive products that make people want to gamble and keep gambling.

There are many impacts

Knowing what to look for in someone who may be experiencing harm can be a helpful first step in protecting yourself or someone else. You may not know that these harms are related to gambling. Some signs include:

  • Feeling anxious, down, or depressed.
  • Being stressed or irritable.
  • Not sleeping well.
  • Having thoughts of suicide or previous suicide attempts.
  • Gambling or thinking about gambling often.
  • Not being able to stop gambling, despite wanting to.

If you think any of these things are happening, you might benefit from some extra help.

Help is available

Asking for help can be hard, particularly if you’ve asked before and not received the understanding you need.

But you are not alone, and the facts and support to help you have never been easier to find.

Chapter One is an information, training and support hub for everyone affected by gambling.

If you’re worried about gambling, for yourself or someone you know, go to where you can find more information about gambling harms and where to get support and treatment that works. There’s never been a better time to do so.

Beyond gambling

There are many other services that might be able to help you including debt advice, relationship and family support, local networks and recovery groups.

  • If you are feeling suicidal or are worried someone else is, get help today from Shining a Light on Suicide
  • For information relating to debt and gambling, visit Money Helper for impartial advice on managing finances
  • Contact Citizens Advice Bureau who provide advice and support on a whole range of issues, including gambling, debt, finance, housing, legal and benefits
  • Gambling With Lives offers therapeutic mental health and bereavement support for anyone affected by a gambling related suicide, including peer support, counselling and support with legal proceedings. Contact

Workplace training and support

If your role brings you into contact with people who may be experiencing gambling harms, and you want to help, then Chapter One is here for you.

The professionals hub provides useful resources, signposting, and information to help you prevent and reduce gambling harms.

You can also access a free two hour Chapter One training session, online or in person.

Visit the Chapter One professionals hub to find out more: