Early intervention in psychosis services (EIP)

Psychosis is a severe mental illness which affects up to 3% of the population and is associated with significant impairment in social functioning and shorter life expectancy. It is ranked as one of the top causes of disability and most expensive illnesses worldwide through costs related to hospital admissions, physical health co-morbidities and unemployment.

Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services can improve clinical outcomes, such as admission rates, symptoms and relapse, for people with a first episode of psychosis. They do this by providing a full range of evidence‑based treatment including pharmacological, psychological, social, occupation and educational interventions.

Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) are multi-disciplinary teams set up to seek, identify and reduce treatment delays at the onset of psychosis and promote recovery by reducing the probability of relapse following a first episode of psychosis.  Timely access to EIP is shown to have a significant long-term impact on the lives and livelihood of individuals with psychosis and their families.

The Early Intervention in Psychosis standard:

  • 60% EIP access standard will be maintained
  • 95% of EIP services will achieve Level 3 NICE concordance

In Greater Manchester, we have exceeded the 60% access standard and are working to achieve the standard to ensure 95% of our EIP services achieve Level 3 NICE concordant.