Arts, Culture and Mental Health

When we first started to implement THRIVE in Greater Manchester we saw the importance of including creative health in our children and young people’s mental wellbeing. We set up a dedicated programme (which ended in 2022) to create an evaluation framework (to gather evidence on impact), to test and gather evidence of arts interventions in Mental Health Trusts and educate our stakeholders on the benefits of arts and culture on mental wellbeing.

Evaluation Tool for organisations that provide arts and cultural programmes for children and young people, based in Greater Manchester. We created an evaluation toolkit to capture the impact that arts and cultural activities have on children and young people’s mental health. Download the GM Youth Mental Health Arts & Culture Evaluation

Creative Health Projects. Although this programme ended in December 2022 we are still committed to arts and culture being part of our mental wellbeing system. We have accessed funding from the Baring Foundation and our GM Violence Reduction Unit to fund arts initiatives in our CAMHS services in Greater Manchester. Find out more here