KoothTalks webinars on Emotionally Based School Avoidance

These free webinars offer valuable insights for healthcare professionals and parents, providing practical information and guidance on key mental health topics.

These webinars focus on helping you understand a little more about Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA), hear from a young person’s perspective, and explore support strategies with Kooth’s Senior Clinical Psychologist.

Parents and carers may also be seeking support for their anxious child avoiding school. They’re often juggling work and caregiving, feeling deeply worried while their child remains at home. So Kooth are also offering a webinar for families.

KoothTalks training for professionals

  • Monday 21st October- 10:00am
  • Wednesday 23rd October- 2:00pm

You can book your place here

KoothTalks for families

  • Tuesday 3rd December – 7:00pm
  • Wednesday 4th December 10:00am

 You can book your place here

Don’t worry if you can’t attend any of the live dates. Please select the ‘I cannot attend’ option and Kooth will email you with the recording with additional resources.

Am image showing two people in a hot air balloon with a hot air balloon in the distance. There are two fluffy white clouds and a smiling sun. It reads: Free, safe and anonymous mental health support. Provided by your local NHS for young people. Kooth.com