About us


Our purpose is to:

Be the collective and influential voice of independent adult social care in Greater Manchester.

Represent providers in strategic delivery groups to speak up and lobby for the issues that matter to us and affect the care we can give.

Support collaborative working and honest, open communication between providers and Local Authority, Local Care Organisations, NHS partners and Directors of Adult Social Care.

Encourage improvement, integration, and sustainability across the sector.

Be an information and resource hub for providers

Welcome words from our chair
Jake Rollin

I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to the new and future members of the Greater Manchester Adult Social Care Provider Network, encourage others to get involved and re-connect with existing and lapsed members. Before I do that however, I’d just like to recognise the work of our previous Chair, Mark Cunningham, who was a fantastic Chair of the network and remains a brilliant advocate for our sector. Mark’s analysis of the challenges and opportunities in the sector and his good humour and kindness make him an incredibly hard act to follow.

We came through the unprecedented COVID challenge within our sector, one that none of us had any prior experience of managing and one that put an incredible amount of pressure and responsibility on our carers, nurses, managers, and others. While one positive by-product of this has led to a much better understanding of the vital role social care providers play in local health and care systems and community resilience as a whole (in terms of public perception and media interest), the cost in terms of the toll on our front-line staff and the sustainability of our organisation and companies has been immense.

We now are dealing with the cost of living and workforce challenge. Now is the time we must stress upon all our partners that a new deal for social care is required more than ever. We need to build on the good will toward the sector and turn it into concrete action and improvements, both in the way we are seen and interact with public sector bodies, how we are funded and how our staff are recognised and rewarded. I genuinely believe that this ideal, for which we have been lobbying for years, is now within touching distance and I encourage providers large and small to get involved. This could be within your own local authority area, or on the wider Greater Manchester basis and will help shape our interactions with our commissioning colleagues to ensure we build consistency, best practice, and a strong partnership ethos across Greater Manchester.

I hope you’ll join us on this journey.

Jake Rollin. Chair.

Welcome words from our Deputy Chair

I am very proud to have been part of the Greater Manchester Care Independent Sector Network and its forerunner for over 10 years. For me, the network has always been about partnership and ensuring the sector has a strong voice, we have helped to influence many of the strategic decisions made in Greater Manchester, affecting both residential, nursing care and domiciliary care providers. The last three years have been incredibly challenging for the whole sector but the opportunity to share insight, knowledge and experience with colleagues who are also involved in delivering care has been invaluable.

As a sector we need to ensure our involvement in the design and shaping of care services for the future, ensuring that fees reflect actual costs and support our ambitions to develop and retain, a highly skilled workforce for the future, that gets the recognition it deserves.Being part of the network supports these strategic aims and ensures that the voice of the independent care sector is both heard and valued.

About the Steering Group

The Steering Group is made up of provider members from across Greater Manchester. Their wealth of expertise in all areas of the adult social care sector ensure we have a balanced voice at our meetings, can lead on priorities for the network and can support the work of the wider programmes.

We are always looking for volunteers to join our Steering Group. So if you would like to talk about how you may do this, please let me know.

Paula Braynion

LD / Supported Living

Mark Collier

Domiciliary Care

Lisa Dickinson

LD / Dementia / Supported Living

Amanda Hampson

LD / Supported Living / Domiciliary Care

Honour Keatley

Care Homes

John Keogh

Domiciliary Care

About Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester has some of the lowest life expectancy in England. Differences between the most and least deprived areas are as much as 9.5 years for men and 7.7 years for women, as outlined in the Marmot Review in 2020.

Now, Greater Manchester has a population of around 2.9 million people. But it’s estimated this will grow to over 3.1 million by 2039, largely driven by the increasing number of older people.

By 2039 the number of our region’s residents aged 65+ will expand by around 53%.

About the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership (GM ICP)

The GM ICP was established on 1 July 2022 and brings together all the health and social care partners and wider public sector and community organisations across Greater Manchester to improve the health and wellbeing of our population.

They’ve also set out how the ICP will work together with partners to improve our health in the Greater Manchester ICP Strategy.

The Adult Social Care Transformation Programme lies within the GM ICP. There are a variety of steering groups and delivery groups which meet on a regular basis through the year. Provider Network Steering Group members are invited to these to ensure there is Provider Network input in discussions and strategy. Occasionally we also invite other members of the Provider Network who may have specific expertise.