Resources and Support

What to do if you think you may be struggling with your mental health?

Mental health problems are very common in the perinatal period, they can be very distressing for the parent and wider family and can have a huge impact on the parenting experience. It is important to remember, though, that perinatal mental health problems are treatable and there is a great deal of support and help available.

You can access a range of different support so if you or someone you care for is struggling with their mental health don’t delay in asking for help. Spotting the early signs that someone is struggling with their mental health can reduce the risk of further deterioration, the risk of complications and can lead to a smoother and quicker recovery.

In this section, we describe the range of help on offer, from support groups to helpful websites to more specialist support.

 What support is available for you?

Many people suffer in silence or wait until the situation becomes critical before asking for help. In Greater Manchester we want to help families get off to the best possible start. So, whatever is going on for you, no-one’s issues are too mild or too complicated to make use of the wide range of services we have to offer.

We recognise that it can be daunting and difficult to ask for help but our services are here to help you and your family and listen to you sensitively and thoughtfully. Greater Manchester services are there to think about your needs with kindness and to help you access to the right care and treatment at the right time.

There are various organisations, support services and health professionals who can support your mental health during pregnancy and after having a baby.

It may feel easier, initially, to look at websites to seek advice and help about ways in which you can support your own mental health. Some of the websites and organisations below also share stories which can help you feel like you are not alone.

  • Support groups, charities, and websites: Organisations who support parents struggling with their mental health and organisations that provide practical and emotional support. Read more
  • Talking to a health professional about your mental health. Read more
  • Health professionals that may be in your team. Read more
  • NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression. Read more  
  • Specialist mental health services. Read more
  • Suffering the loss of your baby. Read more
  • Need support now? Read more