Managing Exam Stress Resources

As many of you who support young people in any way will know, this time of year can often be quite a stressful time and you may find these resources helpful


Kooth’s campaign is aiming to reassure young people that the stress they might be feeling is completely normal and they don’t have to face it alone. This campaign will take place between April 24th and April 30th and is the first half of a two-week campaign leading up to Mental Health Awareness Week (15th – 21st May).

Managing exam stress: Spread the word guide.

Kooth have created this guide for anyone who has a role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in their local area. The guide includes:

  • Twitter post templates
  • Instagram story post templates
  • Newsletter/Email copy to share with parents
  • Website or learning portal copy

Kooths managing exam stress guide

Kooth also have an online exam stress peer to peer forum available – you can find out more here and download a poster of the schedule

You can find out more about Kooth here


Place2Be have created some tip sheets full of practical advice to help young people, schools and families manage stress during exam season.